Mattia Epifani Relatore

Mattia Epifani’s passion with computers began when he was given a Commodore 64 for Christmas at age six. “After a couple of years, I was writing my first lines of code,” he says. He kept the computer as his hobby and passion while pursuing his studies, then pursued a computer science degree at university. “My father is a lawyer, so he was not completely happy when I didn’t choose to study law,” says Mattia, but over the years he’s blended the two with a career in digital forensics, bridging the gap between technical and legal systems. Today, Mattia is CEO of RealityNet System Solutions, an Italian infosec and digital forensics consulting company, where he works as a digital forensics analyst and expert for judges, prosecutors, lawyers and private companies, at times serving as an expert court witness. Mattia also brings his passion and expertise to the classroom as an instructor for SANS FOR500: Windows Forensic Analysis and FOR585: Smartphone Forensic Analysis In-Depth, a topic he’s particularly passionate about. “I spend my days trying to acquire and analyze digital devices, smartphones in particular,” he says. An expert with a vast knowledge of tools and techniques for forensic investigation, Mattia always tries to find a way to achieve his goal even when no tools exist. “I do forensics on a daily basis testing, developing new methods, and going deeper and deeper, and I love teaching by providing real cases and scenarios to my students,” he says. When he’s not teaching and consulting, Mattia supports the EVIDENCE2e-CODEX project through the Italian National Council of Research, where he serves as a researcher helping to build a system to facilitate the exchange of digital evidences among law enforcement agencies in Europe. Mattia obtained a degree in computer science from the university in Genoa, Italy and received post-graduate training in computer forensics and digital investigations in Milan. He also has several certifications in digital forensics and ethical hacking, including GNFA, GSAF, GREM, GCFA, GMOB, GCWN, CIFI, CEH, CHFI, ACE, AME, ECCE, CCE and MPSC. A regular speaker on digital forensics at Italian and European universities and events, Mattia authored Learning iOS Forensics and Learning iOS Forensics, Second Edition, edited by PacktPub. He is also a member of the Digital Forensics Association (DFA), International Information System Forensics Association (IISFA), ONIF and T&L Center.
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