Carola Frediani Relatore

Carola Frediani recently left journalism to become cybersecurity awareness manager in a leading online retailer. She co-founded the media agency Effecinque. She wrote on technology, digital culture, privacy and hacking for La Stampa, Agi and other Italian and international news outlets. She is the author of Dentro Anonymous. Viaggio nellle legioni dei cyberattivisti (2012) and Deep Web. La rete oltre Google - Personaggi, storie e luoghi dell'internet profonda(2014) , co-author of Attacco ai Pirati(2015), and author of Guerre di rete(Laterza, 2017), #Cybercrime (Hoepli, 2019) and the cyber thriller Fuori Controllo (Venipedia, 2019). She writes a weekly newsletter on cybersecurity/digital rights called Guerre di Rete (
  • Tavola Rotonda - 16:45/17:30, 29 Oct 2016
  • Tavola Rotonda Una chiacchierata con il pubblico! - 17:30/18:15, 09 Nov 2019