Marilisa Del Vecchio Relatore
I’m a Security Expert with 2+ years of experience focused on data protection. My job is to help Clients for the designing of security strategies from assessment to implementation and the design of policies for the awareness of the users. Moreover, I deal with data protection not only for business matters as I have a great passion for teaching and security awareness. I am part of the faculty in educational institutions at multiple levels.
Lista Talk
- AWARENESS BY DESIGN The title of my talk is Awareness by design, because I am convinced that humans are always the weakest link when it comes to security. But then, how can we solve this? By spreading awareness. At work, at school, in our free time, on public transportation, on holiday: it's always a good time to spread awareness on security topics. People often underestimate the importance of their role because they have no basic knowledge of information technology or computer security, and they do not realize how simple gestures can turn into a data breach. For example, phishing campaigns that despite all the spam filters continue to exist. This talk will give an overview of what privacy is, and why the GDPR is important for our digital identity and for people integrity outside the worldwide (and wild) web. Then it will focus on ethics principles and best practices for the use of internet. Ethics and morality guide our choices and our online behavior every day: our common sense is essential; our online actions belong to us because our digital identity is nothing but a part of us. Once we’d reached this point in the talk, the audience will be able to understand what privacy actually is, what personal information are, and why it is important to keep ethics in mind when we act online. A famous security framework is called "KISS", and it stands for “keep it simple, stupid”. We will approach awareness in an easy way because it’s easy to be the good guys. People will understand that being the best advocate they can be means joining the light side of the moon: to attack is not always the best solution. We’re living together in the digital world and it's mandatory to protect ourselves to make the Internet a better place. - 11:50/12:35, 09 Nov 2019